Monday, August 24, 2015

Where did the Summer go?


I dont know how things are in your household, but summer sure seemed to FLY by here! I actually saw THANKSGIVING decorations in the store.....WHAT! Its still August, right?!? Its still summer people!!!

Lots of things going on here over the summer, on both the fitness and Jewelry end, LOTS of new products available! Be sure to check out the individual sites to see what there is! The ($5) jewelry inventory changes pretty much every couple of days, and you CANNOT beat the price for yourself or gifts!! Fitness, CIZE by Shaun T is taking over the country! I am in the middle of the program, and its SO much fun! If you like to dance, you just GOT TO check out CIZE! <<You can click the Fitness link on the menu bar to go directly to the fitness page, OR click on the $5 Jewelry link to go check out whats currently in stock!!>>

I am not a huge television person, I have my few favorites, BUT, this summer I stumbled onto a show called HEARTLAND. - It's a Canadian show, and I found it on Hulu Plus - great family show, especially if you love horses, animals, and...well...just go check it out!!! Its 9th season is going to be airing this October in Canada, so there's plenty to catch up on until they release it to the USA!


There will be more consistent content on the blog this fall, now that school is back in session,  I have time to concentrate on writing, photography, Disney, wine, and all the other fun household stuff!

Keep checking back!

Monday, July 20, 2015

It's TODAY!!! CIZE! - The End of Exercise!

Normally, I would just post this to the fitness page, but this is going to make you get up an DANCE!!!

Tired of all the squats, lunges, push-ups, and boring cardio workouts? Then pay attention! - Because you're about to LOOK FORWARD TO working out! Shaun T goes back to his dancing roots and makes losing weight an “EXPERIENCE.” 

What is CIZE?  
Get into great shape at home with Shaun T's latest dance fitness program. Learning to dance with this four week program is so much fun, this amazing cardio workout won't even seem like work. CIZE truly is "the end of exercize."In each routine, Shaun breaks down the moves step-by-step, and builds them into a full dance sequence in just 35-40 minutes. CIZE will have you burning fat and calories while mastering dance moves. And it's all choreographed to the latest pop music to keep everyone energized and moving. Get a great workout while learning the kinds of dance moves seen in music videos and on dance shows. Stick with Shaun T and start dancing from day one!

Launch days can be a bit rough, BUT, you are going to want to grab this program! We have an accountability group set up, so you can join in with others doing the program at the same time! There is a rough time frame of when it will be live online to purchase, and I will be posting the updates on my facebook page, HERE!

Please join me over on the facebook page, and message me with any questions that you may have about getting this program! I am SUPER excited to get this one!!! 

I look forward to working with YOU, and helping you achieve your goals!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Welcome to my Blog!!


Well, its FINALLY official, live, going....whatever you want to call it! ~ I have had this blog idea drafted in a notebook for over a year, but you know, life and distractions happen, BUT - here we are! Hooray!

I figured it was WAY beyond time to get this started, so I finally sat down and played with this platform, and figured out MOSTLY the layout I wanted, etc.

Soooooo.....please keep checking back for new posts, and as you can see on the menu bar, there are links to the individual subjects that I will be posting on, so if one or a few interest you more, you can always go directly to those!! {MOST are already live, a couple are not. Still a work in progress!} 

PLEASE, take a few seconds and Click here to join me over on Facebook! See you there!

Have an AMAZING week everyone!